

Prof. Dr. Lenz, Alexandra N. All rights to image reserved!
Prof. Dr. Alexandra N. Lenz

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

SFB-Speaker, Project Leader

PP01 - project leader
PP03 - project leader
PP08 - project leader

Speaker of the SFB and project part leader of PP01 (coordination project), PP03 (speech repertoires and varietal spectra) and PP08 (standard varieties from the perspective of perceptual variationist linguistics). Research focuses on phonetic-phonological, lexical, and syntactic variation as well as on language attitudes and perception. Since 2016 head of the ÖAW research department 'Variation und Wandel des Deutschen in Österreich' (Variation and Change of German in Austria).
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elspaß, Stephan All rights to image reserved!
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Elspaß

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

SFB-Co-Speaker, Project Leader

PP02 - project leader
PP10 - project leader

Co-speaker of the SFB and PI of project parts PP02 (Variation and Change of Dialect Varieties in Austria [in real und apparent time]) and PP10 (Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Varieties and Languages at Austrian Schools). Research focus in grammar, sociolinguistics and variational linguistics (projects 'Regional Variation in the Grammar of Standard German', 'Atlas of Colloquial German'), the history of Early and Late Modern German (from a historical-sociolinguistic perspective, in particular) and the Phraseology of German.
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Budin, Gerhard All rights to image reserved!
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Budin

University of Vienna - Centre for Translation Studies

Project Leader

PP11 - project leader

Leader of the project part PP11 'Collaborative online research platform for the SFB project 'German in Austria'; research focuses on terminology science, translation technologies, corpus linguistics and digital humanities.
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Newerkla, Stefan All rights to image reserved!
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Newerkla

University of Vienna - Department of Slavonic Studies

Project Leader

PP05 - project leader
PP06 - project leader

Leader of the project part PP05 (German in the context of the other languages in the Habsburg state and in the 2nd Austrian Republic) as well as PP06 (German and the Slavic languages in Austria: Aspects of language change). Research focus in the fields of West Slavic linguistics, contact linguistics and historical socio-linguistics as well as in the school system and language teaching in the Habsburg State. Since 2009 Co-chair of the 'Ständigen Konferenz österreichischer und tschechischer Historiker zum gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbe (SKÖTH)' ('Standing conference of Austrian and Czech historians on common cultural heritage').
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Ziegler, Arne All rights to image reserved!
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Arne Ziegler

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Project Leader

PP04 - project leader

PI of project part PP04 (Vienna and Graz – Cities and their influential force). Research focus on grammar, sociolinguistics, variationist linguistics (projects 'Regional Variation in the Grammar of Standard German', 'Youth Languages in Austria') and Historical Linguistics. Board Member of the Gesellschaft für germanistische Sprachgeschichte (GGSG) e.V. since 2008 and member of the international scientific committee of the world association Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) since 2010.


 Breuer, Hans Christian All rights to image reserved!
Hans Christian Breuer

Unviersity of Vienna - Centre for Translation Studies

Technical Staff


Since 2016 part of the SFB team. Responsible for the implementation of the database using Django and the project homepage using Typo3 and for other programming work.
 Buchner, Elisabeth All rights to image reserved!
Elisabeth Buchner, MA, MSc

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since November 2017 working as scientific project staff in the Team of the Salzburger SFB project part PP10 „Perceptions of and attitudes towards varieties and languages at Austrian schools“. Research focus of the project include research into language attitudes and perception.
 Dorn, Amelie All rights to image reserved!
Amelie Dorn, BA. M.Phil. MA. PhD

Universität Wien - Institut für Germanistik

Project Staff


Since August 2020 part of PP03. Research interests: Lexis. Project Leader at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Mag. Edler, Stefanie All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Stefanie Edler

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Part of the SFB team since January 2016, member of project part 04 (Vienna und Graz – cities and their influential force). Research interests: variational linguistics and sociolinguistics focusing on syntax and morpho-syntax.
 Fischer, Ann Kathrin All rights to image reserved!
Ann Kathrin Fischer, BA MA

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since September 2016 prae-doc and member of PP04 (Vienna and Graz – Cities and their influential force) of the SFB-project part situated in Graz. Research interests mainly lie in the field of perceptual dialectology as well as variational linguistics and sociolinguistics of present-day German. In her doctoral thesis she will concentrate on the topic of ageing and communication in the urban area.
 Heinisch, Barbara (c) Barbara Mair
Barbara Heinisch, MA

University of Vienna - Centre for Translation Studies

Project Staff


Barbara has been a member of project part 11 (research platform) since 2016. Together with the coordination team, she is responsible for internal and external project communications. She is involved in the devleopment of the research platform and her research interests include usability and citizen science.
 Höll, Jan All rights to image reserved!
Jan Höll, MA

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Praedoc working in the SFB subproject PP08 (Standard varieties from the perspective of perceptual variationist linguistics) since late 2020. Research interests are in the areas of language attitude research and corpus linguistics.
Mag. Dr. Kim, Agnes All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Dr. Agnes Kim

University of Vienna - Department of Slavonic Studies

Project Staff


Research assistant working on the SFB PP06 since the beginning of 2016. In her thesis she analyses how Slavic loanwords are presented in dictionaries of Viennese. She is also responsible for the development of an Information System on Historical Multilingualism in Austria. Her research focuses on Westslavic linguistics, contact linguistics and historical sociolinguistics.
Mag. Dr. Koppensteiner, Wolfgang All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Koppensteiner

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Part of the SFB-Team since 2016. In PP08 (Standard varieties from the perspective of perceptual variationist linguistics) co-responsible for developing, implementing and analysing central parts according to the project aims and research questions defined. Research interests: language attitudes, perceptual linguistics.
Mag. Dr. Korecky-Kröll, Katharina All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Dr. Katharina Korecky-Kröll

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since September 2016 part of the SFB team. As postdoc responsible for the coordination of the data collection of PP03 (speech repertoires and varietal spectra). Her main research areas are psycholinguistics, variationist linguistics, morphology, morphosyntax, and pragmatics. She is also a researcher at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Vienna.
 Luttenberger, Jan All rights to image reserved!
Jan Luttenberger, MA

Austrian Academy of Sciences - Acoustics Research Institute

Project Staff


Since October 2017 team member in the SFB project part PP02. Responsible for the acquisition of informants, the carrying out of speech recordings in eastern Austria and for data processing.
Mag. Pluschkovits, Markus All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Markus Pluschkovits

University of Vienna - Centre for Translation Studies

Project Staff


Since 2019, project member of PP11. His research interests lie in the intersection between humanities, linguistics, and technology.

Since December 2020 (deputy) equal opportunities officer of the SFB German in Austria.
 Rakocevic, Dragana All rights to image reserved!
Dragana Rakocevic, MA

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since October 2019 part of PP04. Her main research interests are grammar, contact linguistics and sociolinguistics.
Mag. Rusch, Yvonne cc-by: Yvonne Rusch
Mag. Yvonne Rusch

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since March 2020 part of PP10. Research interests: language attitudes and perception

Seit November 2022 Young Researcher Representative
 Schinko, Maria All rights to image reserved!
Maria Schinko, MA MA

University of Vienna - Department of Slavonic Studies

Project Staff


Since 2020 university assistant at the Department of Slavonic Studies and also part of PP06. As part of her dissertation, she is investigating the language discourse within the school system of the former German-Czech speaking city of Brno.
Research interests in the field of Western Slavic linguistics, contact linguistics and historical sociolinguistics.
 Stiglbauer, Rita All rights to image reserved!
Rita Stiglbauer, BA BA MA

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since July 2018, praedoc in the team of the SFB subproject PP08 (Standard varieties from the perspective of perceptual variationist linguistics).
Research interests: variationist linguistics, language attitudinal research, and perceptual linguistics.
 Tscheru, Gerrit All rights to image reserved!
Gerrit Tscheru, BA, BA, MA

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since March 2021 project staff of PP04.
Her research interests lie in the field of variationist and sociolinguistics with a focus on syntactic aspects and cases of linguistic doubt.
Mag. Wallner, Dominik All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Dominik Wallner

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since March 2016 employed as prae-doc in the project part PP02 (Variation and change of dialect varieties in Austria [in real und apparent time]). Working on a dissertation in the thematic area of the project part.
 Wirnsperger, Sarah All rights to image reserved!
Sarah Wirnsperger, BA

University of Vienna - Centre for Translation Studies

Project Staff


Since 2021 project staff of PP11 (Citizen Science project "IamDiÖ").
She is responsible for social media content and social media communication.
 Wittibschlager, Anja All rights to image reserved!
Anja Wittibschlager, MA

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since April 2017 member of the SFB team in the project part PP03 (speech repertoires and varietal spectra), situated in Vienna. Research interests are variationist linguistics and sociolinguistics focusing on syntactic variation.
 Ziegler, Theresa All rights to image reserved!
Theresa Ziegler, BA BA MA

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Project Staff


Since 2019 working in the subprojects PP01 (Coordination) & PP03 (Between dialects and standard varieties: Speech repertoires and varietal spectra), since november 2022 prae doc.
Research interests are in the area of morphology and lexis with a special focus on linking elements.

Student Assistants

Co-opted Investigators

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bülow, Lars All rights to image reserved!
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lars Bülow

Ludwig Maximilians Universität München - Department of German Studies

Project Staff

PP02 - project coordination

Since April 2016 part of the SFB team. Lars Bülow is postdoc at the University of Salzburg. He is responsible for the project coordination of PP02. His research and research interests range from language change theory, evolutionary linguistics, variation and language change, complex dynamic systems theory, sociolinguistics, genderlinguistics, textual linguistics, stylis­tics, forensic linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, mor­phology, and language learning theory. Lars Bülow’s doctoral thesis is about Language Dynamic in the Light of Evolutionary Theory – Towards an Integrative Model of Language Change. Lars Bülow was visiting scholar at the University of Groningen (NL), Cambridge (UK) and Passau (DE).
Prof. Dr. Dannerer, Monika All rights to image reserved!
Prof. Dr. Monika Dannerer

University of Innsbruck - Department of German Studies

Co-opted Investigator

PP10 - kooptiert

Coopted investigator in PP10 (Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Varieties and Languages at Austrian Schools). Research focus in discourse analysis, orality/literacy, sociolinguistics, institutional communication, first and second language acquisition. Project leader of the OeNB-Project ‘Linked Analysis of Multilingualism on the Example of the University of Salzburg’ (together with Peter Mauser).
Mag. Dr. Fanta-Jende, Johanna All rights to image reserved!
Mag. Dr. Johanna Fanta-Jende

University of Graz - Department of German Studies

Co-opted Investigator

PP03 - co-opted

Since December 2016 in the team of the Viennese SFB project part PP03 (Speech Repertoires and Varietal Spectra). Research emphasis on variationist linguistics and sociolinguistics of present-day German with a focus on phonetic-phonological variation within the dialect-standard-spectrum.
PD Mag. Dr. Glauninger, Manfred All rights to image reserved!
PD Mag. Dr. Manfred Glauninger

University of Vienna - Department of German Studies

Co-opted Investigator

PP05 - co-opted
PP08 - co-opted

Co-opted to project parts 05 and 08. He is a sociolinguist at the research department 'Variation and Change of German in Austria / Variation und Wandel des Deutschen in Österreich' at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and teaches at the Department of German Studies of the University of Vienna.
Dr. Kaiser, Irmtraud All rights to image reserved!
Dr. Irmtraud Kaiser

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

Co-opted Investigator

PP10 - kooptiert

CI in subproject PP10.
Research interests include variation acquisition, language didactics, multilingualism, language attitudes and reading comprehension. Co-director of the school cooperation and research projects "Sprachliche Vielfalt" and "Mit'n Redn kemman d'Leit z'somm" as well as of the project "Atlas zur Salzburger Alltagssprache".
Dr. Mauser, Peter All rights to image reserved!
Dr. Peter Mauser

University of Salzburg - Department of German Studies

Co-opted Investigator

PP02 - co-opted

CI in project part PP10 (Perceptions of and attitudes towards varieties and languages at Austrian schools). Research focus on morphology, dialectology, historical linguistics. Leader of the OeNB project 'Verknüpfte Analyse von Mehrsprachigkeiten am Beispiel der Universität Salzburg (VAMUS)'.
Dr. Reinisch, Eva All rights to image reserved!
Dr. Eva Reinisch, PD

Austrian Acadmemy of Sciences

Co-opted Investigator


National Research Partner in PP02.
Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Soukup, Barbara All rights to image reserved!
Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Soukup, MSc

Austrian Academy of Sciences - ACDH – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities

Co-opted Investigator

PP08 - co-opted

Since 2014, FWF-Elise Richter Research Fellow, as PI of the DiÖ satellite project ELLViA ('English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria'; Austrian Science Fund Project #V394-G23). Her research foci include language attitudes, sociolinguistic variation, linguistic landscape study, perception study, and interactional discourse analysis.

Associated Members

Jan David Braun, MBA PP05, PP06, PP08 ACDH, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Mag. Dr. Rudolf de Cillia PP03, PP05 University of Vienna
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. mult. Wolfgang Dressler PP02, PP03 ACDH, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andrea Ender PP03, PP10 University of Salzburg
Fabian Fleißner, MA PP03 University of Vienna
Mag. Dr. Christian Huber PP02, PP03, PP04, PP11 Phonogrammarchiv Austrian Academy of Sciences
Mag. Dr. phil. Irmtraud Kaiser PP02, PP03, PP10 University of Salzburg
Assoz.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Emmerich Kelih PP05, PP06 University of Vienna
Mag. Lisa Krammer, BA PP03, PP08, PP11 University of Vienna
Mag. Dr. Vesna Lusicky PP11 University of Vienna
Dr. Susanne Oberholzer PP02, PP03 University of Zurich
Dr. Stefaniya Ptashnyk PP05, PP06 University of Vienna
Dr. Christoph Purschke PP02, PP03, PP04, PP06, PP08, PP10 Université du Luxembourg
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Jutta Ransmayr PP03, PP08, PP10 University of Vienna
Mag. Michael Riccabona PP02, PP03, PP11 University of Vienna
Dr. phil. Constanze Spieß PP04, PP08, PP10 University of Graz
Dr. Philipp Stöckle PP02, PP03, PP05, PP06, PP11 ACDH, Austrian Academy of Sciences
MMag. Dr. Tamás Tölgyesi PP05, PP06 University of Vienna
Dr. Martina Werner, MA PP02, PP03, PP04, PP11 Universität Wien | Austrian Academy of Sciences

Former Colleagues

Prof. Dr. Rita Franceschini Co-opted Investigator Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
PD Dr. Sylvia Moosmüller† Co-optet Investigator – National Research Partner Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Michael Pucher PD Co-opted Investigator – National Research Partner Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ass. Prof. Dr. Hannes Scheutz Co-opted Investigator University of Salzburg
Jakob Bal Project Staff University of Vienna
Nina Ricarda Bercko, MA Project Staff University of Graz
Mag. Dr. Ludwig Maximilian Breuer Project Staff University of Vienna
Kristin Dill, MA Project Staff University of Vienna
Anna Exenberger, MPhil BSc Project Staff University of Vienna
Matthias Fingerhuth, PhD Project Staff University of Vienna
Mag. Benjamin Fischer Project Staff University of Vienna
Dr. Fabian Fleißner Project Staff University of Vienna
Mag. Eva Fuchs Project Staff University of Salzburg
Mag. Martin Gasteiner Project Staff University of Vienna
Arnold Graf Project Staff University of Vienna
Kristina Herbert Project Staff University of Graz
Kate Jackson, BA Project Staff University of Vienna
Dr. Tim Kallenborn Project Staff University of Vienna
Nina Kleczkowski, MA Project Staff University of Graz
Katharina Kranawetter, MA Project Staff University of Vienna
Mag. Dr. Manuela Lanwermeyer Project Staff University of Vienna
Kathrin, Linke, MA Project Staff University of Vienna
Mag. Angelika Meier Project Staff University of Vienna
Teresa Monsberger Project Staff University of Graz
Dr. Georg Oberdorfer, MA Project Staff University of Graz
Dr. Katharina Prochazka, MA MSc Project Staff University of Vienna
Mag. Michaela Rausch-Supola Project Staff Austrian Acadamy of Sciences
Mag. Martina Schmidinger Project Staff University of Vienna
Melanie Seltmann, MA Project Staff University of Vienna
Rebecca Stocker Project Staff University of Vienna
Bartholomäus Wloka, MSc Project Staff University of Vienna
Jan David Zimmermann, MA Project Staff Austrian Academy of Sciences
Thomas Aiglstorfer Student Assistant University of Vienna
Barbara Binder Student Assistant University of Vienna
Sarah Emhofer Student Assistant University of Salzburg
Laura Fischlhammer Student Assistant University of Salzburg
Zoe Kaldor Fox Student Assistant University of Vienna
Tara Ramona Geng Student Assistant University of Vienna
Pamela Goryczka, MA BA Student Assistant University of Vienna
Alexandra Grohe, BA Student Assistant University of Vienna
Marlene Hartinger Student Assistant University of Salzburg
Alexandra Hiebert Student Assistant University of Vienna
Tamara Hochfelsner Student Assistant University of Vienna
Veronika Höbart Student Assistant University of Vienna
Lisa Höllebauer Student Assistant University of Graz
Paulina Huber Student Assistant Univeristy of Vienna
Natália Kancelová Student Assistant University of Vienna
Philipp Kehrer Student Assistant University of Vienna
Elena Koreschnig Student Assistant University of Graz
Marlene Lanzerstorfer Student Assistant University of Vienna
Carina Lozo Student Assistant Austrian Academy of Sciences
Mag. Clara Pliem Student Assistant University of Vienna
Mag. Cordula Prybil-Resch Student Assistant University of Salzburg
Justin Rainer Student Assistant Universty of Vienna
Carmen Ramoser Student Assistant University of Vienna
Christian Riedl, BA Student Assistant University of Vienna
David Samitsch Student Assistant University of Graz
Veronika Schiefer Student Assistant University of Graz
Susanne Schmalwieser Student Assistant University of Vienna
Lena Stückler Student Assistant University of Graz
Vinzenz Thuh-Hohenstein Student Assistant University of Vienna
Maria Voit Student Assistant University of Graz
Klemens Wagner, BA Student Assistant University of Vienna
Martina Windsperger Student Assistant University of Salzburg
Patrick Zeitlhuber, BA BA MA Student Assistant University of Vienna